Source Data

Building a validated simulation model of a 1,000 square mile power delivery network comprised of hundreds of circuits and hundreds of thousands of components in full detail is difficult and data intensive. We expect your data to have inconsistencies and gaps, and to come in incompatible one-of-a-kind formats from multiple non-integrated sources, including legacy internally-developed systems.

We don't expect you to devote months or years cleaning up data, reformatting it, or migrating to a new data system.

We have powerful software tools developed over years of interpreting data from multiple utilities that can use your data in its native form to yield a working Energynet model.

Once deployed, the Energynet software can update its model as often as you update the source data, ideally daily. So the model that supports your Energynet platform applications is never stale or out-of-date.

The Energynet model's numbering is your numbering. The Energynet model's identifiers are your identifiers. The Energynet model can interoperate with your data systems in any way you choose.

We call this passive interoperability™.