Grid Project Assessment

The Energynet model reveals the direct local and area-wide impacts of any project on grid performance.

  • Direct impact of individual projects

  • Grid expansion, distributed resources, distribution switching automation, operational changes
  • Side-by-side economic comparison of dissimilar projects

Value from grid expansion projects
Value from operational and smart grid projects

Grid benefits of individual projects quantified and valued in terms of:

  • Reliability improvement (utility cost reduction)
  • Conservation voltage reduction (energy cost reduction)
  • Incremental bulk system capacity
  • Incremental ancillary services capacity
  • System voltage security
  • Locational energy or congestion relief
  • Loss reduction
  • Load relief
  • Emission reduction
  • Reliability improvement (customer value of service)
  • Power quality

Case Study Findings

  • Grid expansion and distributed resource projects can provide comparable value, but in different benefit categories.

  • A GRIDfast-aided analysis revealed 100 of a regional system's 1,563 switches as high-value automation candidates to maintain ideal radial topology over daily and seasonally-varying conditions.

  • Distributed resources on specific circuits can provide significant value in reliability improvement by expanding load shift opportunities.

Value from DER on specific circuits