Publications and News





  • Boothbay NTAs: Advanced Findings and Potential Grid Edge(TM) Services, New Power Technologies; Appendix 8.5 to Boothbay Smart Grid Pilot Project Final Report, GridSolar; Maine PUC Docket 2011-00138 Document Item 226, filed 1/19/2016. [link - see p. 121]
  • Regional Transmission and Distribution Network Impacts Assessment for Wholesale Photovoltaic Generation, New Power Technologies; California Energy Commission, CEC-200-2014-004; 2014. [link]
  • Non-Transmission Alternative (NTA) Identification, Assessment, and Management; New Power Technologies; Maine Public Utilities Commission Docket 2013-00159 Document Item 19; July, 2014. [link]
  • Integrated Transmission and Distribution Model for Assessment of Distributed Wholesale Photovoltaic Generation, New Power Technologies; California Energy Commission, CEC-200-2013-003; 2013. [Link to Web Archive]
  • Identification of Low-Impact Interconnection Sites for Wholesale Distributed Photovoltaic Generation using Energynet Power System Simulation, Evans, P.; California Energy Commission, CEC-200-2011-014; 2010. [link]
  • Verification of Energynet® Methodology, Evans, P.; California Energy Commission, CEC-500-2010-021; 2010. [Link to Web Archive]
  • Validation of high-definition electric power delivery network simulation, Evans, P.B.; Lind, S.; Dossey, T., IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2010. PESGM 2010. IEEE, 25-29 Aug. 2010. [Link to IEEE Xplore]
  • Power Delivery System Reliability Assessment using High-Definition System-wide Model, Evans, P.B., Distributech 2010 Conference Proceedings, DistribuTECH, March 23-25, 2010. [link]
  • Impacts of plug-in vehicles and distributed storage on electric power delivery networks, Evans, P.B.; Kuloor, S.; Kroposki, B.,   IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2009. VPPC '09. IEEE, pp.838-846, 7-10 Sept. 2009.
  • High-Definition Modeling of Electric Power Delivery Networks, Evans, P.B.; Hamilton, S.; Dossey, T.,  DistribuTECH 2009 Conference Proceedings, DistribuTECH, February 3-5, 2009. [link]
  • Optimal Portfolio Methodology for Assessing Distributed Energy Resources for the Energynet; Evans, P.,  California Energy Commission, CEC-500-2005-096, 2005. [Link to Web Archive]